'Connect to the Kenwood World App for step by step recipe inspiration straight to your mixer, experience ultimate temperature control with induction heating technology up to 180 °and weigh directly into your bowl with the in built, precision EasyWeigh scale. Find out more about the Cooking Chef XL https://www.kenwoodworld.com/en-int/products/kitchen-machines/cooking-chef-xl-/cooking-chef-xl-kcl95004si-0w20011358 Discover more about Kenwood Stand Mixers -https://www.kenwoodworld.com/en-int/products/kitchen-machines'
Tags: Cooking , Recipe , Chef , homemade , Mixer , kenwood , Feed Your Imagination , Weighing , Features and benefits , Stand Mixers , Cooking Chef XL , KCL95 , kitchen machines , KCL95.004SI
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